FREE for ONX Unlimited members
$99 for non-members, includes unlimited in studio, ZOOM + ONX On Demand classes for the month of February



  • Weekly newsletter:
    includes 3 recipes, healthy snack ideas, nutrition + health tips and weekly goal setting
    inspiration and ideas

  • Goal setting:
    Optional weekly nutrition goal setting

  • Support and Discussion:
    Facebook group with nutrition discussion forum and Q&A


  • You choose:
    strength-focused or yoga-focused challenge

  • 24 classes in 28 days:
    20 classes are your choice + 4 yoga or strength classes to balance your chosen focus. In Studio, ZOOM + ONX On Demand classes all count.

  • Weekly “finishers”:
    4 exercises performed each week to build strength for your strength tests

  • Strength tests:
    4 timed exercises performed on day one and day 28 to measure progress

  • Optional Saturday workshops:
    Optional strength and yoga-focused ZOOM workshops each Saturday
    (recordings will be available)


The goal:

To move our bodies (6 days a week),
to increase our strength (with strength tests + weekly exercises),
and to nourish our whole being (with weekly recipes and nutrition support).

The prizes:

ONX Unlimited members are entered to win a free month of ONX Unlimited.
Non-members are entered to win a $25 ONX gift card (we’ll draw 2!)

How to participate:

Register for the challenge by filling out the below form.
Only those who register will receive the weekly newsletter and be entered to win prizes.
While registration is not required, we encourage you to do so to help stay motivated and accountable!

Select your area of focus - yoga or strength - and print off your Challenge tracker (below) to keep track of your workouts.

Mark your calendars and plan your workouts. The challenge kicks off on Monday, February 1st!

Not an ONX Unlimited member? We’ll be in touch within 24 hours of receiving your registration to set you up with your February Challenge Pass.


Register for the challenge below, then print off your Challenge Tracker and get to work!