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Trust us. While you'll receive a certificate at the end recognizing you as an official Yoga Sculpt Teacher, the benefits of the training run much deeper than that. Even better: there are no pre-requisites other than an open mind. Curious? Read on.


I don't know if I want to be a teacher - should I still consider this training? Yes. Teacher Training will definitely get you out of your comfort zone, and learning to navigate through that discomfort has, in our experience, been the biggest opportunity for personal growth. Past participants have told us that they feel more comfortable speaking in front of groups of people, more confident at work, and more articulate when communicating. While learning to teach, we work on skills that are important in the real world, in a safe and supportive environment (everyone is in the same boat!).

What if I haven't taken a lot of Yoga Sculpt classes? The number of classes you have taken is pretty irrelevant, so don't worry! Being a student and learning to take the seat of a teacher are completely different things. Whether you've taken 100 Sculpt classes or one (or none) won't impact your ability to successfully complete the training, we promise! 

What are some other things I can expect to get out of the training? One of the most amazing things about teacher training is the connection you make with other students and the studio community. You will make friends that you'll have for a long time after training has ended; it's an experience that bonds individuals on a much deeper level because you are learning new skills and working through challenges with total support from your peers. In addition, you’ll learn so much more than just how to teach a successful Yoga Sculpt class, and you’ll grow immensely as an individual. The skills learned in this training - including learning to speak clearly, concisely and with confidence and commanding attention in a room full of people - translate to a greater confidence in both your personal and professional relationships.



Obviously, I learned the basics of a Yoga Sculpt class. I learned how to find top of phrase, how to cue different poses, and how to guide students through a class. But I think that the main things that I am taking away from this experience are much deeper than that. I learned how to command a room. I learned how to put myself out there. I learned to be confident in who I am and what I bring to any situation. I learned how to lead, how to teach, and how to do it with kindness, love, acceptance, and grace. And those skills are the ones that I will be taking to every aspect of my life.  Sadie, Winter 2025


For me, this training came at the absolute right time. In the week leading up to the start of YSTT two things happened: I turned 60 years old, and I had to say goodbye to my dog, my companion of 16 years. I wondered if I was too old for this training. Was I still capable of learning new things and doing new things? I haven’t challenged myself in a long time and I chose to do this to challenge myself. And I loved it! And most importantly, I was reminded that no matter your age, if you want to learn something new you can do it if you choose. Also, after losing my dog this training gave me something positive to focus on and distract me from my grief. I had no idea when I signed up for this training what it would give me in terms of confidence, community and simply fun! Loved the instructors as well as all the other participants. Just a really great experience. Becky, Summer 2023





Pricing: $1299 (includes unlimited classes at ONX during the training!)

ONX Unlimited pricing: $1039

A $200 deposit is required to reserve your spot in the program. This deposit is refundable up to one week before the start date of the program or one week after the training becomes waitlisted, whichever is earlier.

Please note: payment plans are available and are very flexible.



Intensive Weekend:
Saturday | 9:30am - 4:30pm
Sunday | 8:00am - 4:00pm

Follow-up Sessions:
Sunday | 12:30 - 3:30
Sunday | 12:30 - 3:30
Sunday | 12:30 - 3:30
Sunday | 12:30 - 3:30

The Intensive Weekend is required.
While we expect attendance at all four follow-up sessions, we are flexible if an absence is necessary. Just let us know!